We supply physicians and pharmacists with precursor stem cell products and Eco Ultra Filtrates world wide. We provide support for physicians in establishing a treatment program for individual patients.

Precursor stem cells



Stem Cell Therapy is a surgical therapeutic procedure where the implantation of stem cells from live tissue fragments of different tissues and organs is carried out as a therapy preferably in the earlier stages of the disease. Transplanted cells bring life back by replenishing or repairing the cells of damaged organs. It restores tissues and organs by stimulating the injured cells during the healing process. In other words, Stem Cell Therapy is used when conventional treatments stop being effective.


Precursor stem cells after organogenesis are committed to follow a predetermined path of differentiation along the specific direction. It divides through cell division and turns to a specialised cell of the tissue of origin. It is accomplished by direct stimulation of the recipient's own malfunctioning cells. It also has the ability to replace damaged or injured cells in the human body that has been ravaged by injury or disease. Therapeutic use of stem cells has accumulated sufficient data to ensure its safety to mankind.


SCT has been used successfully for the past 80 years as treatment of many diseases where modern medicine cannot cure. The proof of effectiveness of Stem cell therapy is in the medical references found on PUBMED and MEDLINE of US National library of medicine in the past 15 years. A few hundred thousand Stem Cell Therapy summaries have been studied. The value of these publications become obvious when a great number of patients have been treated with promising results.





Ageing Disease
   • Menopause
   • Depression
   • Impotence and loss of libido
   • Memory loss
   • Arteriosclerosis
   • Impaired liver function
   • Osteoarthrosis
   • Immune deficiency


Autoimmune disease
   • Scleroderma
   • Rheumatoid arthritis
   • Dermatomyositis
   • Systemic lupus erythematosus
   • Polymyositis
   • Sjogren syndrome
   • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
   • Addison’s disease
   • Chronic active hepatitis
   • Primary biliary cirrhosis
   • Glomerulonephritis
   • Good pasture syndrome
   • Myasthenia gravis
   • Bronchial asthma
   • Pemphigus
   • Bullous pemphigoid
   • Vitiligo
   • Atopic dermatitis
   • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
   • Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
   • Pernicious anemia

Cancer Treatment
   • Enhanced weakened immune system

Cardiovascular Diseases
   • Intractable arrhythmia
   • Myocardial infarction
   • Congestive heart failure
   • Peripheral arterial disease
   • Chronic cardiac disorder
   • Arteriosclerotic vascular disease
   • Migraine

Central Nervous System Diseases
   • Neurodegenerative disease
   • Parkinson’s disease
   • Demyelinisation diseases
   • Old/new spinal cord injuries
   • Apallic syndrome
   • Encephalitis
   • Locked-in-syndrome
   • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
   • Friedreich’s ataxia
   • Werdnig-Hoffman disease
   • Duchenne & Becker muscular dystrophies
   • Dementia

Chromosomal Diseases
   • Down syndrome
   • Noonan syndrome
   • Turner syndrome
   • Wolf syndrome

Digestive System Diseases
   • Atrophic gastritis
   • Chronic pancreatitis
   • Malabsorption syndrome
   • Crohn’s disease
   • Ulcerative colitis
   • Peptic ulcer

Endocrine Diseases
   • Diabetes mellitus
   • Vasculopathy
   • Adrenocortical hormonal insufficiency
   • Premature menopause
   • Retarded puberty
   • Female infertility
   • Imbalance state of autonomous nervous system
   • Endometriosis
   • Female infertility
   • Uterine myomas
   • Habitual abortion of adrenal atiology
   • Parathyroid insufficiency
   • Hypothyroidism

Genetic Diseases
   • Wilson's disease

   • Muscular dystrophy
   • Neurofibromatosis
   • Tuberous sclerosis
   • Cornelia-de-Lange syndrome
   • Gaucher disease
   • Metachromatic leukodystrophy
   • Fabry's disease
   • Gangliosidoses
   • Refsum disease
   • Mitochondrial genetic disease

Hematological Diseases
   • Thalassemias
   • Sickle cell anemia
   • Aplastic anemias
   • Hereditary hemolytic anemias
   • Thrombocytopenia
   • Erythropoiesis disorder
   • Primary hemachromatosis
   • Werlhof disease

Immune System Disorders
   • AIDS
   • Chronic fatigue syndrome
   • Disorder of non-specific immunity(e.g. defects of natural killer (N.K) cells)

Kidney Diseases
   • Genetic diseases of renal tubules
   • Nephrotic syndrome
   • Glomerular disease

Liver Disease
   • Liver cirrhosis
   • Chronic hepatitis
   • Crigler-Najjar syndrome
   • PrimaryBiliary cirrhosis
   • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
   • Hepatorenal syndrome

Locomotor System Disease
   • Non-healing fractures
   • Osteoarthrosis
   • Aseptic necroses
   • Chronic osteomyelitis
   • Osteogenesis imperfecta
   • Achondroplasia
   • Marfan syndrome
   • Arthrogryposis multiplex
   • Chronic osteomyelitis
   • Chronic arthritis
   • Rheumatoid arthritis
   • Osteoporosis

Lung Diseases
   • Bronchial asthma
   • Pulmonary fibrosis
   • Emphysema

Metabolic Diseases
   • Atherosclerosis
   • Lipoprotein metabolism
   • A-β-lipoproteinemia

Neonatal & Perinatal Diseases
   • Cerebral palsy
   • Inborn errors of metabolism

Skin Diseases
   • Psoriasis
   • Chronic eczemas
   • Deep burns
   • Acne vulgaris
   • Ulcus cruris
   • Various eczemas
   • Sarcoid Darier-Roussy
   • Hereditary keratosis
   • Palmaris et plantaris
   • Chronic lichen
   • Scleroderma
   • Vitiligo
   • Frostbite of big toes
   • Alopecia areata

Radiation Injuries
e.g  Post radiation ulcers


  FCTI Precursor Stem Cells Source and Types  


FCTI uses primary organ culture tissue fragments and/or cell clusters from New Zealand white rabbit origin; in order to insure the cells maintain a diploid set of chromosomes typical of normal somatic cells and the animal sourced organ cultures. FCTI primary tissue culture is sourced from E.U. States certified closed colony of at least 30 generations since 1973.

The cells are extracted with other cells of the same “family” in cell-to-cell contact, including cells of various generations of the same “family”, and then placed into a primary tissue culture to observe activities and perform safety tests, adequate enough to obviate (do away with) any immunogenicity which could cause the need for immunosuppressant drugs. Our cell manufacturing compositions usually consist of the following or any others as and when required :


Organ culture, individual cells and cell clusters, islet cells with granules, estimated 80% of total B cells (beta), 10% A (alpha), D and PP cells, and 10% other cells, including stem cells.
ADRENAL CORTEX Organ culture, 70% of total cells are of the fetal layer, which include stem cells, 20% of zone fasciculate, 10% of zone glomerularis (percentages estimated), cells round, polyhedral or pyramidal, without granules.
PITUITARY GLAND Organ culture of pars distalis of the gland, some cells are with granules (chromophils), others without (chromophobes). Occasional glial cells ('pituicytes') can be found.
  THYROID Organ culture containing follicles with colloid, round or cubical cells, less than 5% of total are somewhat larger C    cells with granules. Some parathyroid cells can be found: small chief cells with some granules and rare large oxyphil cells.
OVARY Organ culture consisting predominately of follicular ('granulose') cells of the primordial follicle.
TESTIS Organ culture consisting predominately of smaller interstitial Leydig cells, larger Sertoli cells and spermatogenic epithelium.
PROSTATE Organ culture consisting largely of granular cells originating from seminal vesicles, tuboalveolar glandular structures, and some smooth muscle fibers.
STOMACH/INTESTINE Organ culture, primarily cuboidal stem cells, round parietal cells and granular zymogenic cells of stomach, pancreatic stem cells, and of intestinal absorptive cells with brush border, all originating in the mucosa, with a component of lymphoid cells.
LIVER Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, 90% hepatocytes, remainder consisting of hepatic and hematopoietic stem cells, endothelial cells and some Kupffer cells.
THYMUS Organ culture consisting predominately of lymphocytes (T- and B-) and epithelial reticular stellate cells.
KIDNEY Organ culture, primarily of the cortical layer, consisting of round podocytes, larger round to cuboidal cells of convoluted tubules, with and without brush border.
HEART MYOBLASTS Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, fusiform cells with central nuclei.
MUSCLE MYOBLAST Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, fusiform cells with peripheral nuclei, with some stem cells, with a tendency toward syncytial arrangement.
SPLEEN Organ culture, network of reticular tissue with lymphoid cell and macrophages, arranged in Billroth cords, with thoroughly washed off blood elements, some flattened sinusoidal endothelial cells.
LYMPH NODES Organ culture, network of reticular cells with lymphoid cells and macrophages, partially arranged in medullar cords and sinuses.
LUNG Organ culture dispersed cell clusters of terminal and respiratory bronchiole and of alveolar system, estimated 30% of alveolar cells, 30% of endothelial cells, 30% of interstitial cells, and 10% of macrophages.
PANCREAS (Even at the fetal stage, 85% of the mass of pancreas is that of an exocrine gland, thus fulfilling that function.) Organ culture, typical serous cells with granules, some disassociated acinar arrangement, and centroacinar stem cells. Also cells of the Langerhans islets.
MESENCHYME Abundant amorphous ground substance, mostly of hyaluronic acid, pluripotential fibroblasts.
PLACENTA Organ culture, dispersed cytotrophoblast cells from both fetal and maternal portion, with a few chorionic villi, decidual cells, endothelial cells.
CARTILAGE Organ culture, prepared from hyaline cartilage, with extracellular matrix with type II collagen, and chondroblasts of attached perichondrium with type I collagen and numerous fibroblasts.
BONE Organ culture, prepared from cancellous portion of long bones, with multiple osteoblasts from endosteum, also with some hematopoietic stem cells of bone marrow.
HYPOTHALAMUS/THALAMUS Organ culture, individual cells, and cell clusters, of multipolar smaller neurons of the autonomous nervous system variety, with an abundance of glial cells.
BASAL GANGLIA Organ culture, individual cells, and cell clusters, of multipolar neurons and abundant glial cells.
CEREBELLUM Organ culture, individual cells, and cell clusters, consisting of Purkinje cells and very small neurons, some of them stem cells, with an abundance of glial cells.
CEREBRAL CORTEX Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, consisting of a variety of neurons, including those of pyramidal shape, some of them stem cells, with an abundance of glial cells.
WHITE MATTER OF BRAIN Organ culture, occasional small neurons, some of them stem cells, more glial cells, fragments of axons.
BRAIN STEM Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, consisting of a variety of neurons, usually of smaller size and abundant glial cells.
CEREBRUM Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, consisting of a great variety of neurons, some of them stem cells, with abundant glial cells.
PINEAL GLAND Organ culture, individual cells, or cell clusters, consisting of melatonin producing pinealocytes and atrocities.


Eco-ultrafiltrates (EUF) are cell extracts from fetal organs or tissues of low molecular weight as determined by the size of the micro pores in the ultrafilter. Eco-ultrafiltrates (EUF) of organs and tissues are obtained from fetal organs or tissues from closed colony of rabbits or other animals as per requirement of U.S. FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration), WHO (World Health Organization) and AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International).

During the manufacturing, cells and other materials of high molecular weight are separated from the molecules of low molecular weight, using our advanced multiple ultra-filtration technology. The separation level is determined by the size of the micro filters. The ready-to-use Eco-ultrafilterates contain components up to a nominal molecular weight of 10 kDa.



Reactions & Efficacy

EUF are chemical and additive free. There are no known undesirable side effects. Overdose by EUF is impossible.

EUF's "Principle of Organospecificity" is the fundament for the restoration and the regeneration of the matched molecules. The low molecular mass of EUF’s organic ingredients characterises the unique and effective absorption of EUF through the mucosa and the skin. The supply of 'biological building blocks' on the molecular level is what makes the therapy efficient. In addition, the essential electromagnetic elements contained within the fetal organs and tissues are also vital in delivering cellular information to the control mechanism of individual cell and their inter-relationships with various other cells, tissues and organs. EUF visible response will take about 3-4 weeks upon application to the body from the first date of use. The chain reaction of 'absorption - transport - incorporation' needs time to take its course, in order for the efficient functional / structural improvement to be observed.


EUF do not replace stem cell therapy for the treatment of incurable or no longer treatable diseases, but they complement stem cell therapy.